Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Key Features of Budget 2016-2017 : Official pdf Download
Key Features of Budget 2016-2017 : Official pdf Download
Key Features of Budget 2016-2017
INTRODUCTION : Growth of Economy accelerated to 7.6% in 2015-16
CHALLENGES IN 2016-17 : Risks of further global slowdown and turbulence.
ROADMAP & PRIORITIES : ‘Transform India’ to have a significant impact on economy and lives of people
AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS’ WELFARE : Allocation for Agriculture and Farmers’ welfare is Rs. 35,984 crore
RURAL SECTOR : Allocation for rural sector – Rs.87,765 crore.
SOCIAL SECTOR INCLUDING HEALTH CARE : Allocation for social sector including education and health care – Rs.1,51,581 crore.
EDUCATION, SKILLS AND JOB CREATION : 62 new Navodaya Vidyalayas will be opened
SKILL DEVELOPMENT : Allocation for skill development – Rs. 1804. crore.
JOB CREATION : GoI will pay contribution of 8.33% for of all new employees enrolling in EPFO for the first three years of their employment. Budget provision of Rs. 1000 crore for this scheme
INFRASTRUCTURE AND INVESTMENT : Total investment in the road sector, including PMGSY allocation, would be Rs. 97,000 crore during 2016-17.
FINANCIAL SECTOR REFORMS : A comprehensive Code on Resolution of Financial Firms to be introduced.
GOVERNANCE AND EASE OF DOING BUSINESS : A Task Force has been constituted for rationalisation of human resources in various Ministries
FISCAL DISCIPLINE : Fiscal deficit in RE 2015-16 and BE 2016-17 retained at 3.9% and 3.5%
RELIEF TO SMALL TAX PAYERS : Raise the ceiling of tax rebate under section 87A fromRs. 2000 to Rs. 5000 to lessen tax burden on individuals with income upto Rs.5 laks
BOOST EMPLOYMENT AND GROWTH : Increase the turnover limit under Presumptive taxation scheme under section 44AD of the Income Tax Act to Rs. 2 crores to bring big relief to a large number of assessees in the MSME category.
MAKE IN INDIA : Changes in customs and excise duty rates on certain inputs to reduce costs and improve competitiveness of domestic industry
MOVING TOWARDS A PENSIONED SOCIETY : Withdrawal up to 40% of the corpus at the time of retirement to be tax exempt in the case of National Pension Scheme (NPS).
PROMOTING AFFORDABLE HOUSING : 100% deduction for profits to an undertaking in housing project for flats upto 30 sq. metres in four metro cities and 60 sq. metres in other cities
RESOURCE MOBILIZATION FOR AGRICULTURE, RURAL ECONOMY AND CLEAN ENVIRONMENT : Additional tax at the rate of 10% of gross amount of dividend will be payable by the recipients receiving dividend in excess of Rs.10 lakh per annum
PROVIDING CERTAINITY IN TAXATION : Committed to providing a stable and predictable taxation regime and reduce black money.
SIMPLIFICATION AND RATIONALIZATION OF TAXES : 13 cesses, levied by various Ministries in which revenue collection is less than ` 50 crore in a year to be abolished.
TECHNOLOGY FOR ACCOUNTABILITY : Expansion in the scope of e-assessments to all assessees in 7 mega cities in the coming years.
Authority: www.indiabudget.nic.in/
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किसी भी बैंक में घर बैठे पैसे डालिये, निकालिये... कैसे ! पढ़ें ये खबर on March 2, 2016, 9:24 a.m.
नई दिल्ली (2 मार्च ):भारत के टेलिकॉम मिनिस्टर रवि शंकर प्रसाद ने कहा है कि अब लोगों को अपने पैसे निकालने के लिए या जमा करने के लिये न बैंक जाना पड़ेगा या न पोस्ट आफिस और न ही एटीम पर लंबी लाइन नहीं लगानी पडे़गी। अब एटीम आपके घर पहुंचेगा। किसी भी बैक या पोस्ट ऑफिस के एकाउंट का पैसा घर बैठे निकाला और जमा किया जा सकेगा। रविशंकर प्रसाद ने बताया कि मौजूदा साल में ही 20 हजार माइक्रो-एटीएम पोस्टमैन को दिए जाएंगे और अगले साल मार्च तक देश में करीब 1 लाख 30 हजार पोस्ट मैन माइक्रो-एटीएम से लैस होंगे।
आगामी सितंबर महीने से घर बैठे पैसे निकालन और जमा करने की सुविधा में शुरु हो जायेगी। रविशंकर प्रसाद ने बताया कि सबसे खास बात यह है कि घर बैठे पैसे निकालने और डालने की सुविधा पर सरकार कोई शुल्क नहीं लेगी। उन्होंने कहा कि यह सुविधा इन स्थानों पर ज्यादा कारगर होगी जहां बैंकों और पोस्ट ऑफिस की शाखाएं नहीं हैं। खास तौर पर दुर्गम पहाड़ी, रेगिस्तानी और सुदूर ग्रामीण इलाकों में रहने वालों के लिए इस सुविधा का सबसे ज्यादा साभ होगा।
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