LGO EXAM 2015-16 to the cadere of PA/SA from POSTMAN /MAILGUARD and MTS cadere will be held on 31-07-2016

Monday, 8 February 2016


Please read the following minutes of the Implementation cell of the Finance Ministry which is acting as the Secretariate of the Empowered Committee constituted by the Government under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary for processing of 7th CPC recommendations for submission to the cabinet for approval. Please ensure (1) that your department has nominated a nodal officer and try to interact with him (2) that your organization has submitted a memorandum or letter to your departmental head seeking modifications to the department-specific recommendations of the 7th CPC (3) that your departmental head held consultations with your organization on the department specific modifications submitted by you, before finalizing the proposals for submission to the Implementation cell (4) that proposal as per the demand of your organsiation for modifying the proposal of 7th CPC is submitted to the Implementation cell within two weeks (i.e before 16.02.2016) by your department.

Please note that this is the only stage when the Unions/Associations/Federations in each department shall get an opportunity to present their demand for modifications ondepartment – specific recommendations of the 7th CPC. If we fail to Intervene effectively at this state, we may not get another chance to present our case before the Government.

Regarding common demands JCM (NC) Staff side had already submitted its memorandum to Cabinet Secretary and two stages agitational programmes are organised and is preparing for indefinite strike. Regarding Department-specific issues Confederation National Secretariat held last month had given a clear direction to all affiliated organizations to organize departmental level agitational programmes by each organsations (if possible jointly with other organizations in that department) on department- specific modifications submitted to each Departmental head. Unless we build up pressure by organizing struggle the departmental heads may not consider our demand for modification seriously and may not even submit any proposal for modifications to the Implementation cell.

Please note the following decisions of the Implementation cell.
(1)   Nodal officers to take net of any representation or demand of the staff side Association under the administrative purview of their Department. Nodal officers to ascertain the views/comments of the concerned office in the light of the representation/demands raised by the staff Association.
(2)   In case, there is any need for consultation with the staff Association at the level of the Department, the same may be done as per the assessment of the Department.
(3)   In case, the Department is of the view that any recommendation which are specifically related to their Department, need any modification, adequate justification in clear-cut terms should be brought out while sending the comments to the implementation cell
(4)   In case of any modification, the extra financial implication (per annum) over the recommendations of the commission should be clearly indicated.
(5)   If any modification is suggested approval of the Minster (of the concerned department should be obtained.

All the above formalities are to be completed within two weeks and proposal should be submitted to the implementation cell within two weeks i.e., before 16.02.2016.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General


Friday, 5 February 2016

Pay and pension revision recommendations are scheduled to take effect from January 1

Pay and pension revision recommendations are scheduled to take effect from January 1

Member of the Seventh Central Pay Commission Rathin Roy has suggested that to meet its fiscal deficit target the Government should merge the basic pay and dearness allowance (DA) of central government employees in the current year and defer implementing any real increases in pay and pensions. This, the member has said, could be done by compensating those who would have to bear the burden of the deferred effect by giving them a “more generous award distributed over several years”.

“I am saying that the increment need not all be given at one go... It can be staggered and made more generous… So this could be done for pay and for pension,” Dr. Roy told The Hindu in an exclusive interview. “Now I am not competent to say whether this is politically feasible or not,” he, however, added.

Last month, the Union Cabinet set up an empowered committee of secretaries under the Cabinet Secretary for processing the recommendations of the Commission.

The pay and pension revision recommendations of the Commission are scheduled to take effect from January 1, 2016, but Dr. Roy, who is also the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy’s Director, has suggested that the implementation should be pushed to April 1.

What they should get, from April 1, 2016, is what they would get if we merge the basic pay and the DA, which is more or less what they are already getting, he said. “That will mean some increase in allowances but other than house rent allowance the burden of that [on the government budget] will not be very high.” He has also recommended that the Government defer allowances, principally the house rent allowance. “The case for that is strong because we are in the midst of fairly flat growth in consumption expenditure and rents are not going up much.”

Ahead of the presentation of Union Budget 2016-17, the Government is considering options for keeping the fiscal deficit for the next year within the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management target. The Government’s fiscal deficit in 2008-09, the year the Sixth Central Pay Commission award was implemented, doubled to 6 per cent, though not all of the increase was on account of the pay and pension hikes. Currently, Central government pay and allowances account for 1 per cent of the country’s GDP.

The Seventh Pay Commission, which submitted its report in November 2015, estimated that the total financial impact due to the hike in pay and allowances of central government employees recommended by it would be Rs 1,02,100 crore. Of this, Rs 73,650 crore will be borne by the General Budget and Rs. 28,450 crore by the Railway Budget. The Commission was set up by the UPA government in February 2014 to recommend revisions of remuneration for 48 lakh central government employees and 55 lakh pensioners.

Source : http://www.thehindu.com
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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Payment of P.L. Bonus to Railway employees at revised rate of Rs. 7000/- p.m. for the year 2014-15 - reg.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated To
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) 
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
No. 1/10/Part IV              Dated: 02/02/2016
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Amendment to the Payment of Bonus Act — Revision of calculation of wages from Rs. 3500/- p.m. to Rs. 7000/- p.m. w.e.f. 01/04/2014 — Payment of P.L. Bonus to Railway employees at revised rate of Rs. 7000/- p.m. for the year 2014-15-reg.
Ref: GS/NFIR’s letters no. I/10/Pt. IV dated 24/12/2015 & 04/01/2016 addressed to Hon’ble MR, copy endorsed to CRB and Board Members.
Pursuant to the passage of the amendment to Bonus Act bill by the Parliament and consequent issuance of the Gazette Notification on January 1, 2016 by the Ministry of Law and Justice (legislative Department), NFIR vide its communications dated 24/12/2015 & 04/01/2016 (cited under reference) requested the Hon’ble MR to kindly order for processing for payment of P.L. Bonus to the railway employees at the revised wages of Rs. 7000/- p.m. for the year 2014-15.
In this connection, Federation again requests the Railway Ministry to take into consideration of Government’s decision in October, 2008, and consequential instructions issued by the Railway Board vide letter No. E(P&A)II-2008/PLB-10 dated 03/10/2008 for payment of P.L. Bonus at the revised salary calculation of Rs. 3500/- p.m. w.e.f. 1st April 2006.
NFIR, therefore, requests to kindly arrange to take necessary action for arranging P.L. Bonus arrears to the employees on the basis of salary calculation at Rs. 7000/- p.m., for the year 2014-15.
Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

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Latest on Pension 33 years or 20 years - Information on Implementation order in M.O. Inasu case

More on Pension 33 years or 20 years - Information on Implementation order in M.O. Inasu case

No. 38/7/2015 - P & PW (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pension
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated the 22nd January, 2016


Shri S Y Savur

Sub: Information under RTI Act, 2005


I am to refer to your online RTI application Reg No. DP&PW/R/2016/50029 dated 12.1.2016.
2. In regard to information sought by you, it is informed that the relevant file has been sent to Ministry of Law (Department of Legal Affairs). However, a copy of your RTI application is being forwarded to CPIO, CBEC for providing a copy of order regarding implementation of court order in the case of M.O. Inasu. It may be however mentioned that no general order has been issued in respect of all pre-2006 pensioners, as already informed.     

3. --------------------------

4. If you are not satisfied---------------------
 S K Makkar 22/1/16

CPIO/Under Secretary to the Government of India
Copy to: CPIO, Central Board of Excise & Customs (Adm IV), Ministry of Finance, 5th Floor, HUDCO Vishala, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi for providing a copy of order regarding implementation of court order in the case of M. O.Inasu to Shri S Y Savur.......  

 Ariel View Blog
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Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.01.2016

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

No BPM post should be combined with MD or MC work ; the MD/MC posts should be filled up on redeployment of surplus/ skeleton posts - Department issued orders

No BPM post should be combined with MD or MC work ; the MD/MC posts should be filled up on redeployment of surplus/ skeleton posts - Department issued orders

Report On Pay Commission Recommendations To Be Submitted By June - The Sen Times News.

Report On Pay Commission Recommendations To Be Submitted By June

Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha (pictured) is head the Empowered Committee of Secretaries (CoS) for processing the report of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.
New Delhi: The Empowered Committee of Secretaries, headed by Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha on the Seventh Pay Commission’s recommendations is expected to submit its report by June, official sources said.
The Seventh Pay Commission took 21 months to finalize the report and now the secretaries committee will take the next four to five months to review it.

The Empowered Committee of Secretaries, who will screen the Seventh Pay Commission’s recommendations to send their review to increase in basic pay for all government employees in the region of 18-20% instead of 16%, which was recommended by the Pay Commission.

Finance Ministry officials said the lower grade salaries might see a slight increase due to the commission’s recommendations in this segment is the lowest in 70 years.

“If the increase was high, it would cast a huge impact on the budget outlay. So, the increase should be little,” said an official.

There will be no change made in highest salary while the lowest salary will be Rs 20,000 instead of the proposed Rs 18,000, said an official.

The Pay Commission also recommended for abolition of allowances and advances like risk allowance, small family allowance, festival advance, motor cycle advance.

The advantages and disadvantages of the matter will also be discussed in the review meeting.

The first meeting of Empowered Committee of Secretaries to review the commission’s report is scheduled tomorrow.(2.2.2016).

“After the first meeting, the Empowered Committee will seek suggestions from all the stakeholders for drafting of their report on the Seventh Pay Commission recommendations to address the concerns of central government employees in an effective manner,” the official said.

Accordingly, there is a high possibility that a number of points made in the report may be amended or struck off by the empowered committee for convincing every section of central government employees.

So, the Empowered Committee will need more time to convince every stakeholder before its final nod.
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