LGO EXAM 2015-16 to the cadere of PA/SA from POSTMAN /MAILGUARD and MTS cadere will be held on 31-07-2016

Friday, 29 January 2016

7th CPC Recommendations on Encashment and Accumulation of Earned Leave

7th CPC Recommendations on Encashment and Accumulation of Earned Leave

“The recommendations in relation to pay of both the civilian and defence forces personnel will also lead to a significant increase in the pay drawn and therefore in the total amount of leave encashment available for an employee. Therefore raising the present ceiling of 300 days is not recommended by the Commission”.

Earned Leave : Presently 30 days EL per annum is granted to Civilian employees and 60 days to Defence personnel.

EL can be accumulated up to 300 days in addition to the number of days for which encashment has been allowed along with LTC.

Suggestions have been made to increase the accumulation to 450 days, allow encashment of 50 percent of the accumulated EL after 20 years of service and delink encashment of leave from LTC. A novel concept of “gifting” has been put forward, wherein employee should be allowed to ‘gift’ certain number of days of leave to one’s spouse or one’s colleague. “Vacational” staff like teachers, principals, etc. have demanded restoration of 10 days EL, which was changed to 20 days Half Pay Leave by VI CPC.

Leave Encashment permitted at the time of retirement:

CPC - Earned Leave
IV CPC - 240 days
V CPC - 300 days
VI CPC - 300 days
# # excludes 60 days EL encashment during LTC

Half Pay Leave (HPL) : Presently, government employees are entitled to 20 days of Half Pay Leave for each completed year of service, credited @10 days on the 1st of January and 1st of July every year. There are representations that encashment of HPL should be allowed at the time of superannuation.

Analysis and Recommendations : The demands lack merit. Elsewhere in the report it has been recommended that 20 days HPL granted to “Vacational” staff be converted into 10 days EL. Hence, HPL will henceforth not be available to them. No change other than this is recommended

Analysis and Recommendations : In many organizations, employees are encouraged to take leave on the premise that it revitalizes them and is beneficial for the organization in the long run. Such a system is not prevalent in the government sector in India, but substituting leave with cash is also not desirable. Hence, no change in encashment guidelines is recommended.

The Commission recognizes that Earned Leave is, as the name suggests, earned by an employee through the services rendered. Hence, it is personal to the employee and the concept of “gifting” cannot be considered.

The demand of “Vacational” staff can, however, be agreed to. Hence, it is recommended that “Vacational” staff be granted 10 days EL in place of 20 days Half Pay Leave. Other than this no other change is recommended.

Courtesy : http://90paisa.blogspot.in/

Thursday, 28 January 2016


ANSWERED ON: 16.12.2015
Postal Employees
Will the Minister of

(a) the number of employees working in the post offices across the country;

(b) whether there is shortage of postmen and post masters in the department;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government in this regard;

(d) whether the employees of post offices are given any training before appointment and assigning specific tasks; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and if not, the action taken in this regard?


(a) The number of employees working in the post offices across the country is 189719.

(b) Yes, Sir.

(c) There is shortage of 11058 postmen and 2335 postmasters. All cadres in the Department have fixed sanctioned strength and whenever any posts in any of the cadres fall vacant due to promotion, retirement, death, deputation or leave, duties of such posts are managed by redistribution and combination of duties in post offices for ensuring smooth delivery of postal services till the time these posts are filled up on regular basis in the Circle concerned. Filling up of such vacancies is an on-going process in the Department as per the provisions contained in the Recruitment Rules of each cadre.

(d) Yes, Sir.

(e) The details of Induction training for various cadres are given below:
1 Indian Postal Service (IPoS) Group Á 2 years
2 ‘Postal Service (PS) Group ‘B 4 weeks
3 Inspector Posts (Direct Recruit) 16 weeks
4 Inspector Posts (Departmental) 14 weeks
5 Postmaster Grade-I 3 weeks
6 Postal Assistant Circle Office/Regional Office 5 weeks
7 Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant (Direct Recruit) 9 weeks
8 Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant (Lower Grade Officials) 9 weeks
9 Postman/Mail Guard/Mail Overseer 2 weeks
10 Multi Tasking Staff 1 week


Name of Circle Total number of employees working in post offices Number of vacant post of postmen Number of vacant post of postmasters
1 A.P 18922 846 602
2 Assam 2886 30 06
3 Bihar 8791 127 124
4 Chhattisgarh 1591 124 13
5 Delhi 4853 1041 84
6 Gujarat 10915 1442 266
7 Haryana 4165 96 27
8 H.P 8500 91 45
9 J&K 1124 161 08*
10 Jharkhand 2070 189 02
11 Karnataka 10788 454 64
12 Kerala 6209 439 202
13 M.P. 6669 663 73
14 Maharashtra 20159 1680 106
15 N.E 1628 198 23
16 Odisha 19068 178 130
17 Punjab 5552 287 41
18 Rajasthan 6734 189 86
19 Tamilnadu 16319 1054 230
20 U.P 18138 1134 61
21 Uttrakhand 1971 205 17
22 W.B 12667 430 125
TOTAL 189719 11058 2335
* Confirmed on phone.
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Use of “one-page" form or format to apply for jobs, issue of birth and death certificates and availing of various Government schemes

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
28-January-2016 18:36 IST

Dr Jitendra Singh appeals for use of 'one-page' form

The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh has appealed to various ministries in the Central Government as well as the State Governments to cooperate in carrying forward the Department of Personnel & Training(DoPT)’s innovative reform to switch over to the use of “one-page" form or format to apply for jobs, issue of birth and death certificates and availing of various Government schemes. 

Dr Jitendra Singh said that the service delivery mechanism needs to be not only citizen-centric, but essentially youth-centric because it is the youth who comprise more than 65% of India’s population today. It is, therefore, the need of the hour, he said, to revisit and re-look the existing practice wherein an individual applying for a job, a loan or a Central scheme has to go through the process of filling up lengthy, often complicated and even repetitive information. 

Dr Jitendra Singh disclosed that DoPT has already introduced one-page form for Central Pensioners. Similarly, the death and birth certificates could also be simplified immediately, he said. The “National Centre for Good Governance” will be holding workshops under its initiative “Saral Avedan, Sugam Prakriya, Swachh Prashasan” with different Government departments to discuss how best to carry forward this initiative, he said. 

Dr Jitendra Singh pointed out that there are a number of forms which run into several pages and the information asked for is repetitive which can be easily avoided. For example, he said, some of the forms ask for the parentage or marital status more than once, even though this may not be essentially required for the purpose for which the application is being filled. Citing an instance, he said, when a form is filled for pension, the most relevant information required is age, date of superannuation, last pay scale and bank account number. 

According to Dr Jitendra Singh the purpose of the entire exercise is that any given form should be made as simple as possible, preferably a single A4 size page, the contents of the form should be easy to understand and brief to fill-in. Similarly, the documents to be attached with the form should also be easy and absolutely essential, he added. He also informed that the State Governments will be persuaded to initiate this exercise at the earliest.
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Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Master Guide for all Postal Dept Exams ( IPOs exam / PM Gr I / LGOs / PS Gr B )

Master Guide for all Postal Dept Exams (  IPOs exam / PM Gr I  / LGOs / PS Gr B )


  • Master guide for IPOs exam.(2014-15) Rs 1300/- 
  • Master guide for PM Gr I (2014-15) Rs 1200/- 
  • Master guide for LGOs (2014-15) Rs 450/-
  • Hand book for IPOs. 2012 edition-Rs 800/- 
  • Master guide for PS Gr B (2015-16) Rs 1250/- ( Master guide will be released by 15 th July 2015). 

All books are published by Nellikkal Publisher, Sidhasamajam PO, Vadakara -673104 Dist, Kozhikode, Kerala.

Books are also available in the following address;

1) BOOK CENTRE, 32, Payappa Garden Street, Queens Road Cross, Shivaji Nagar, BANGALORE- 560051
PHONE: (080) 41464152 & 22862152, email: swamybookcentre@gmail.com
VISIT : http://bookcentrebangalore.blogspot.in

2) Kairali Book syndicate, 251 Baba Faridpuri West Patel nagar New Delhi 110008 ( Mobile: 09868790657.)

3) R.K.Traders Computer service and Sale of Publications, Aniyartholu - PO, Kattapana - 685 515. (Phone 04868-270707)

NB: Those who need guides may send SMS to 09947414885 or  email to vkbk_ani@yahoo.com.  also they can contact the above addresses;

Address :

V.K. Balan
Retired SSPOs
Nellikal House, Anniyartholu PO
Kattappana South, Idukki 685515
Phone : 04868-270707 & 09947414885

Master guide for PM grade I - 2014-15 (Rs 1200/- + latest book let (2015-16) worth Rs 200/- by VK Balan Retd SSPos) is available. (book let alone will not be sold.) Total Rs 1400/-This is inclusive of postage. Interested may approach R.K.Traders Aniyartholu via,Kattapana (South) Dt.Idukki Kerala. (Book is from Nellikkal Publsihers) Phone 04868 270707.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Friday, 22 January 2016

Friday, 8 January 2016

26th AIC of AIPEU Postmen and MTS successfully held at Ujjain from 02nd to 04th January 2016

The 26th AIC of AIPEU Postmen and MTS held at Ujjain from 02nd January 2016 to 04th January 2016 remained successful. The venue of the conference was named as. Adinarayana Nagar (Premchhaya Parisar Chamunda MataChauraha Ujjain (MP.) Holding of AIC Second Time is itself a great achievement of MP Circle under the leadership of Com. R.K Yadav, Circle Secretary (MP) circle and his team which was given a very short notice to host the AIC.

            CWC held on 02nd January 2016 under the presidentship of Comrade Vikram Shah, President CHQ,   all CHQ office bearers and Circle Secretaries were present. CWC approved AIC notice, draft report and audited  account.  Resolutions on organizational issues moved by CWC .

            On 3rd January 2016 at 0930 AM colorful procession held in main streets of Ujjain and came back to Conference Hall. At 1030  AM flag hosting programme held. NFPE flag was hosted by Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE. P-4 flag was hosted by Com. Vikram Shah, President (CHQ). All leaders and delegates paid floral tribute to martyrs who dedicated their lives for the welfare of the nation. Open Session started at 11.00 AM with songs from delegates. Reception Committee welcomed all dignitaries at dais. Chairman Reception Committee Sh. Devkinandan Silavat welcomed all dignitaries, leaders and invitees. Open Session inaugurated by Com. A.K.Padmanabhan, National President CITU and addressed the house with present situation of the working class in India and 7th CPC retrograde recommendations also other burning issues pertaining to postal department regarding economic policy of the Government and stressed for the necessity for the unity of the working class and  continuing struggle to achieve our goals. To bring justice to the low paid GDS and Casual Contingent labors  working in the department of posts. Prof Chintamani Malviya, Member Parliament Ujjain greeted the conference and assured NDA Government   is having much concern with the working class and will  solve the problems relating to 7th CPC issues. Sh. Babu Lal Jain, Vice President, Yojana Ayog MP, also greeted the occasion. Guest of honour,Sh. AK Rai, Postmaster General Indore Region addressed the session and highlighted the modernization and digital India in the department of posts with special stress on e-commerce to generate high revenue in the department and also appreciated the services of postmen in this regard. Com. M.Krishnan, Secretary General Confederation and Ex General Secretary NFPE elaborated 7th CPC retrograde recommendations and further rectification of those demands  and stressed how future struggles are important responsibility of NFPE and exclusively P-4 union to make these struggle with success. Decision   for Indefinite strike in the month of March 2016 by NJCA are already under process. Confederation fully endorsed the indefinite Strike call  and campaigning to be observed have already been decided. Unity is very much essential to achieve  goal  and aims.Com. R.N. Parashar, Secretary General NFPE  and General Secretary P-3 addressed the house stating that it  is the high time to gird up loins to achieve our aims at all costs against  the 7th pay retrograde recommendations.  Com Giriraj Singh President NFPE and  General Secretary R-III addressed the house over the burning issues of the employees and asked the employees to remain united to take full fledged  participation in the indefinite strike and time to time campaigns calls given by NFPE and confederation. Com P Suresh, General Secretary R-4 also addressed the house and explained totally unjustified 7th CPC retrograde recommendation and asked to remain united to achieve our goals. Open session was witnessed by 1200 members

            On 04th January 2016 delegate session held under the presidentship of Com. Vikram Shah, President CHQ in which  498 delegate and 522 visitors attended the conference  with 291 divisions participated comparatively participation of divisions and delegate improved in numbers even though more than 240 divisions not participated. 41 delegates participated in the deliberation all CHQ office bearers and Circle Secretaries also placed their views. Delegate session was also addressed by Com Des Raj Sharma, Ex General Secretary p-4, Com Ishwar Singh Dabas, Ex General SecretarP-4y, Com. P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary GDS NFPE, Com. Nagabhushnam working president of Casual and Contingent Labour, Com S.K. Humayun, Ex CHQ President, Com M Neelappa Ex AGS, Com. Karunanidhi Ex JCM leader, Com Shiv Narayanam Ex P-3 President, Com RY Sindhe, Ex CHQ office bearers, Com Mannu Bhai Parmar(Gujarat), Com. Shivgurunathan and many veterans of NFPE. The General Secretary presented the draft of biennial report for adoption, and audited account for the year 2013-14 and 2014-15, which was presented by the treasurer Com Mukal Chandar alongwith relevant audited report for adoption were adopted after discussion. The General Secretary replied all question raised by the delegates. About 15 resolutions on staff problems were discussed and adopted. For  sectional demands in the department of Posts including  few rectification of 7th CPC recommendations  and GDS casual labourers problems/issues, important issues  like filling up of vacancies laid in the department. AIC felt it is need  of the hour to go on agitational programme and NFPE has to chalk out programme independently or under JCA immediately.. Policy programme for future course of action were placed and also adopted. AIC has also taken decision to take part in the struggle for exclusively postal department   Felicitation to Com Mukal Ch Das Treasurer CHQ , Com T.K,Shivdasan  AGS out going  CHQ Office bearers and Com. Bahadur Singh Circle Secretary J&K retired given by CHQ

            After presesidential address vote of thanks was rendered by the General Secretary. The service rendered by Com. R.K Yadav Circle Secretary)MP), Com Devkinandan Silavate, Com R.K Jain, BL Yadav, Com CL Savravate, Com. L.N. Kohli, Com. Shyamasunder Mngrola  and many others members of  Reception Committee are highly appreciated for arrangement good  food and accommodation during short notice. Various leaders for their arrival and message, CHQ Office bearers and Circle Secretaries/’delegates/visitors for their active participation to make our 26th AIC successful.

The following office bearers for the period 2016-2018 were elected unanimously:

Sr. No
Elected Post in the union
Official designation and working place
Com. Balkrishna H Chalke
Postman VJB V PO (Maharashtra)
Working President
Com. Debabrata Mohanty
 Postman Jajpur HO (Odisha)
Vice President
Com. Mainul Haque
Postman Ulubari PO (Assam)
Com. S.T.Taraiya
Postman Rajkot HO (Gujarat)
Com.Manohar Lal Sen
Postman Jodhpur HO(Rajasthan)
General Secretary
Com. R.Seethalakshmi
Postman Bangalore City PO (Karnatka)
Deputy General Secretary
Com. Vikram Shah
MTS Lucknow GPO (Uttar Pradesh)
Asstt. General Secretary
Com. Subhash Chalkravarthy
 Postman East Kolkata  (West Bengal)
Com. Chandrasekhar
Postman Gudur (NL) PO (A.P)
Com. P.Thirumagan
Postman Vellore HO (Tamilnadu)
Com. Ramesh Dabas
Postman Mayapur PO (Delhi)
Asstt Treasurer
Com. Amar Kumar Mishra
Postman  BK Steel City PO (Jharkhand)
Org Secretary
Com. Ram Nath Pande
Cash Overseer Hazipur HPO Bihar
Com. M.U.Janardhanan
Postman Kannur PO Kerala
Com. Shyamsunder Mangrola
Postman Indore GPO Madhya Pardesh

All India Women Sub Committee P-4 Union was constituted as under: 

1.Com. Anitha Thakur,   Convener (West Bengal) 


1. Com. G Jamuna (Kerala)

2.. Com. K.C. Prabha (Kerala)

3.. Com. Chandravathi (Odisha)

4.. Com Shoba (Karnatka)

5.. Com. P Premalatha (Andhra)


Thursday, 7 January 2016

Govt Will Expend For OROP & 7th CPC Despite The Major Financial Implications

Govt will expend for OROP & 7th CPC despite the major financial implications, suggestions were made that 7th Pay Commission recommendations be implemented in staggered manner: Finance Minister The Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley 

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India 
Ministry of Finance 
06-January-2016 19:55 IST 

Finance Minister: Due to various policy measures undertaken by the present Government, Indian Economy has achieved robust growth rate despite volatility and uncertainty in global economy; asks Captains of Indian Trade and Industry to come forward and make increased Private Investment especially in Infrastructure Sector . 

The Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley said that in the first half of the Current Financial Year 2015-16, the Indian Economy has achieved robust growth rate despite volatility and uncertainty in global economy. He said that this was made possible by a slew of policy measures undertaken by the present Government including enhanced public investment, kick starting stalled projects, improving the status of financial inclusion significantly, improving governance through systematic changes like open auction of natural resources like coal and spectrum in a transparent manner, and greater fiscal federalism and improving business environment through reforms in policies and regulation among others. Shri Jaitley said that the current level of growth rate of our economy and sound fiscal fundamentals present better growth prospects for the next Financial Year 2016-17 as well. The Finance Minister Shri Jaitley was making the Opening Remarks during his third Pre-Budget Consultative Meeting with the representatives of Industry and Trade Groups here today. 

The Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley said that the Government will continue to expand public spending even during the next financial year despite the major financial implications of the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission which reduced the share of the Central Government by 10% and its forthcoming financial obligations due to implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) and 7th Pay Commission Recommendations in the coming financial year. He asked the representatives of Business and Trade Sector to increase the private sector spending especially in infrastructure sector. 

Various suggestions were received during the aforesaid Consultative Meeting. Major recommendations include higher investment in irrigation and rural infrastructure sector as this will increase the spending capacity of the rural people which in turn will create demand for various items and increased economic activity. Other suggestions included focus on disinvestment of public sector undertakings by the Government to raise additional revenue and to reduce Government borrowings which, in turn, will make more money available for the private sector to borrow. Other suggestions included reduction in subsidy outflows and direct payment of fertilizer subsidy to farmers. 

Suggestions were made that 7th Pay Commission recommendations be implemented in staggered manner and tax collections be increased by expanding the base. It was suggested that Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) by withdrawn in calibrated manner, tax exemptions and allowances be withdrawn while tax rate may be rationalised in order to bring transparency, certainty and less discretion to make the tax administration more transparent and efficient. Tax incentives be given for use of debit and credit card, payment of utilities be made mandatory by cheques or through e-payment, clarity of policies by CBEC & CBDT to its field offices to avoid any discrepancies and discretions in tax administration and implementation of GST at the earliest. 

Other suggestions include measures be taken to revive private sector investment especially in infrastructure sector through NIIF, use of Infrastructure Finance Companies like IIFCL to rebuilt the capacity of the private infrastructure sector by making it easier for them to raise funds. Bank guarantees be replaced by ‘bid bonds’ or ‘surety bonds’ for companies which, in turn, will help them getting credit at reduced cost and removal of cess and surcharges etc. 

Other suggestions include measures to attract youth to agriculture sector by making farming highly mechanized and improving productivity. For this ‘Agriculture Equipment Banks’ may be set-up, segments of land be made in three categories, viz, barren land, single crop land and multi-crop land and separate rules for dealing with each category may be made. 

Start-up parks for attracting young entrepreneurs be set-up on the line of IT parks. Suggestions were made that in order to ‘Make in India’ and ‘Ease of doing Business’ successful, measures may be taken to reduce the cost of doing business for which we need to improve infrastructure and reduce credit cost. To deal with the problem of NPA, recapitalization of banks be done through offering of shares to public. As regards tax matters, it was suggested that no appeal should be made where the two consecutive orders are in favour of the assesse except in rare situation and assesses may not be asked to deposit in case of first appeal and be asked to deposit only in case of second appeal. 

It was suggested that measures be taken to generate demand in real estate sector which will in turn boost the steel and cement sectors which are major sectors for employment generation. Other suggestions include raise in exemption limit in case of income tax be raised from Rs. 2.00 lakh to Rs. 5.00 lakh, corporate tax be reduced to 25%, nominal rate of interest be charged on delayed payments, rationalization of exemptions and allowances and reduction in tax rates, reduction in corporate tax be extended to partnership firms etc. 

It was suggested that measures be taken to uplift the power sector which is facing a challenging time, credit to MSME sector be boosted, Mid Day Meal Scheme may be scrapped due to large scale seepages and non-transparency in the implementation of the same. Suggestions were made to boost the exports, especially the MSME exports. It was suggested to boost e-commerce in mobile payment to achieve the goal of cashless economy, guidelines be issued for removal of anomalies in case of taxes being imposed by different States on e-payment and e-commerce. It was suggested to reduce customs duty on set-top boxes from 10% to 5%,and media entities be included for carry forward of losses in case of merger among others. 

Along with the Finance Minister Shri Jaitley, the Pre-Budget Consultative Meeting with the representatives of Industry and Trade Groups was also attended among others by Shri R.N. Watal, Finance Secretary, Shri Shaktikanta Das, Secretary, DEA, Dr. Hasmukh Adhia, Revenue Secretary, Ms. Anjuly Chib Duggal, Secretary, Financial Services, Shri Amitabh Kant, Secretary, DIPP and Dr. Arvind Subramanian, Chief Economic Adviser (CEA). The representatives of the Industry and Trade Groups present during the meeting included Shri Sumit Mazumdar, President, CII, Shri Sunil Kanoria, President, ASSOCHAM, Shri Harshavardhan Neotia, President, FICCI, Shri R. Chandrasekhar, Chief Economist, NASSCOM, Shri Ajay Piraman, Piramal Enterprises Ltd, Shri S.C. Ralhan, President, FIEO, Shri R Seshasayee, Vice Chairman, Ashoik Leyland, Shri Ashish Gupta, Consulting CEO, Federation of Associations in Indian Tourism & Hospitality (FAITH), Shri P.K. Shah, Chairman, EEPC India, Shri G. Venkatesh Babu, LANCO Anpara Power Ltd, Shri Sangam Kurade, President, Federation of Indian Micro and Small & Medium Enterprises (FISME), Shri Abhishek Tiwar, Federation of Indian Women Entrepreneurs (FIWE), and Shri Girish Srivastava, Secretary General IBF among others. 

Source : PIB
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Children Education Allowance need to be revise based on the class I to XII

The 7th pay commission, which is much expected by all the Central Government Employees, has submitted its report to the government. In its report, the commission has specified that the new pay commission has to be implemented from 01/01/2016 onward.

The expectations of all the Central Government Employees is focused on: Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and Children Education Allowance.

The fact that the 6th Pay Commission revived the CEA can never be repudiated. Although there are various problems in getting the reimbursement of the allowance, the 6th Pay Commission stands first when it comes to CEA.

7th CPC recommended CEA Rs 2250 pm from existing Rs 1500pm.

The 7th Pay Commission has taken great pains to do away with the practical problems in 6th CPC (Reimbursement).

Particularly, the recommendation that getting a letter from the schools where the children of the Central Government Employees studying is enough will be certainly welcomed by all.

In order to get CEA for those children, who study in the same school from class 1 to class 12, is it necessary to get a certificate for every year? Or is it enough to get a certificate when the child is transferred to another school?

Questions like these naturally arise in our minds.

Getting good education is depends upon getting admission in standard schools. Naturally fees struture is high in these schools.So education expenses get important place in employees monthly budget.

The fact that same amount of CEA will be given for children who study in class 1 and class 12 is irrational. From class 1, every year when the child goes to higher classes, the minimal sum of Rs 2250 has to be increased by atleast 5%.

As per the recommendation of the 7th CPC, when DA exceeds 50%, the CEA increases by 25%. In this case, even to get the first CEA increase one has to wait for at least four or five years. We have to keep in mind that the pay commission is set up only once in ten years.

In spite of all these, the CEA announcement of the 7th CPC is a certainly a laudable one. If it had included the above aspects if would have been even more appreciable.


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7th CPC: Central government employees' salary hikes not before June?

New Delhi: Government is likely to accept the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission and offer salary hikes to Central Government Employees not before June 2016.

Though, the matter may become clearer when Finance Ministry announces the details on implementation, and that is expected to happen before Budget 2016-17 in February.

Then there are Assembly elections expected in Pondicherry, Assam, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Kerala. So the implementation of salary hike is also expected only when the State Assembly elections are over by June/July.

Also, as per reports, seven states: UP, Punjab, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Tripura and Sikkim, have requested the Centre to delay implementation of salary hikes due to the financial burden 7th CPC recommendations are likely to cast on the state exchequer. 

Source :http://zeenews.india.com/
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