LGO EXAM 2015-16 to the cadere of PA/SA from POSTMAN /MAILGUARD and MTS cadere will be held on 31-07-2016

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Launch Of Post-Terminals For BPMs - Rural ICT Project

Department has launched issue of Post-Terminals (POTD Devices) to BPMs on pilot basis on 28.12.2015 in the states of U.P, Rajasthan and Bihar as part of implementation of RICT ( Rural Information & Communication Technology). 

Key highlights of RICT
  1. Branch Post Masters to be given a hand held device for day-to-day operations
  2. Through the hand held device, BPM will be able to do transactions for Core Banking, Insurance and Mail Operations
  3. Scanning of documents and barcodes through a scanner
  4. Regional language support on the handheld device
  5. Provision of solar panels for battery charging at all Branch office

Ms. Aakansha Shukla BPM (UP) receiving first Hand Held device from MoC

BPM Farsand Mohanpur receiving Hand Held Device from MoC
Source : ATPPost

Government to Increase Maternity Leave from 12 to 26 weeks

Government to Increase Maternity Leave from 12 to 26 weeks 

The Ministry of Labour is expected to amend the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, which presently entitles women to 12 weeks of maternity benefit whereby employers are liable to pay full wages for the period of leave.

Government to Increase Maternity Leave from 12 to 26 weeks – The International Labour Organisation recommends a minimum standard maternity leave of 14 weeks or more.

The union government is set to increase the maternity leave for women employed in private firms from the existing 12 weeks to 26 weeks.

Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi Monday said the Ministry of Labour has agreed to increase maternity leave to six-and-a-half months. “We had written to the Labour Ministry asking that the maternity leave be extended taking into account the six months of breastfeeding that is required post childbirth. The Labour Ministry has agreed to increase it to six-and-a-half months,” said Maneka.

The Ministry of Labour is expected to amend the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, which presently entitles women to 12 weeks of maternity benefit whereby employers are liable to pay full wages for the period of leave.

Officials of the WCD Ministry said they will push for extending the leave to eight months, or 32 weeks, for women employed in both private and government sectors.

But WCD officials said the Labour Ministry has expressed reservations about increasing the maternity leave any further as they perceive that doing so will adversely affect the employability of women.

“The Labour Ministry has decided on six-and-a-half months following meetings with various stakeholders. We, however, feel that eight months of maternity leave — for women in government as well as private sectors — is required. We will move a note to the Cabinet Secretariat in this regard. Six months of exclusive breastfeeding is very important to combat malnutrition, diarrhoea and other diseases in infants and to lower infant mortality rate,” said a WCD official.

The International Labour Organisation recommends a minimum standard maternity leave of 14 weeks or more, though it encourages member states to increase it to at least 18 weeks. At 26 weeks, India is set to join the league of 42 countries where maternity leave exceeds 18 weeks. It, however, falls behind several East European, Central Asian and Scandinavian countries, which have the most generous national legislation for paid maternity leave.

Women employed in government jobs in India get a six-month maternity leave as per the Central Civil Service (Leave) Rules 1972. The last circular in this regard was issued in 2008, when it was increased from four-and-a-half months. If the WCD Ministry’s recommendations to the Cabinet Secretariat are accepted, the Department of Personal & Training will have to issue orders to enhance it to eight months.

Moreover, women government employees are allowed to take childcare leave of up to two years in phases at any point till their child turns 18 years old. The Seventh Pay Commission recently recommended that only the first 365 days of leave should be granted with full pay, while the remaining 365 can be availed at 80 per cent of the salary. But Maneka recently petitioned Finance Minister Arun Jaitley against the proposal, terming it a regressive step at a time when women are trying to become more economically independent.

“Women in India need longer maternity leave in absence of any support in parenting from men. It should not be seen as a deduction in labour hours but as a long-term investment from the future economic point of view. This is in addition to the fact that women need long maternity leave to recuperate and invest in child care,” said Ranjana Kumari, director of the Centre for Social Research.

She added that a recent analysis of the Maternity Benefit Act by CSR for the National Commission of Women showed that discrimination against pregnant women was widely prevalent in the corporate sector in the country.

Source: gconnect.in

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Rural post offices will soon get digitally connected -The communications and IT ministry

NEW DELHI: The communications and IT ministry is set to a launch a slew of schemes on December 28 that will seek to digitally connect rural post offices across the country and enable core banking facilities at 12,000 other post offices.

The ministry will also announce a programme to set up over 1,000 ATMs in three months for the convenience of post office savings bank customers.

Communications and IT minister Ravi Shankar Prasad will launch the schemes to mark the 'Good Governance Day'.

The ambitious project to digitise all transactions made by postmen in rural India will include equipping branch postmasters with solar powered, biometric hand-held devices.

It will be launched at three pilot circles in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan. A senior government official told ET that the Good Governance Day will hence be a critical date for the government to measure its success in digitising governance and for setting new digitisation goals. The official said the government's attempt to mark the day on December 25 last year had become controversial and it was thus decided to shift it to December 28. "By March 2017, 1.30 lakh hand-held devices will be made available across rural branch offices. This instrument will revolutionise lives of people across villages," the official said.

Booking and delivery of Speed Post, registered mail, money orders, sale of stamps and postal stationary will be done through these devices and paper receipts will be generated instantaneously, the official said. "All financial transactions shall also be reconciled immediately and cash on delivery amount collected in the village will be immediately credited to the account of e-commerce company," the official said.

These devices will also facilitate biometric authentication of social security beneficiaries at the time of pay-out, "reducing leakage in the scheme", the official said.

The postal department has clocked revenue of Rs 980 crore in 2015 through cash on delivery and the figure is likely to cross Rs 1,500 crore by the end of the current financial year, the official said. The postal department has also set up 57 integrated state-ofthe-art parcel centres for booking, processing and delivery of ecommerce parcels.

The official said the postal department has this year offered more than 57,000 policies under the PM Suraksha Bima Yojana, PM Jeevan Jyoti Yojana and Atal Pension Yojana to post office savings bank account holders.

Source: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/

Additional Relief On Death/Disability Of Government Servants Covered By The New Defined Contribution Pension System (NPS)

No. 38/41/06!P&PW(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare
Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003
Dated 5th May, 2009
Sub: Additional Relief on death/disability of Government servants covered by the new Defined Contribution Pension System (NPS)
The undersigned is directed to say that the pension of the Government servants appointed on or after 1.1.2004 is regulated by the new Defined Contribution Pension System (known as New Pension Scheme), notified by the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) vide their G.M. No. 5/7/2003-ECB 2 PR dated 22.12.2003.

2. On introduction of the New Pension Scheme, among others, the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 and the Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules were amended on 30.12.2003. Under the amended Rules, the benefits of Invalid Pension/Disability Pension and Family Pension/Extraordinary Family Pension/Liberalized Pensionary Award relief are not available to the Government servants appointed on or after 1.1.2004.

3. Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) has subsequently clarified that the New Pension Scheme is a replacement for only pension under normal circumstances and family pension in case of death of employees after retirement.

4. A High Level Task Force (HLTF) constituted by the Government has recommended certain additional benefits that can be provided on death or discharge on invalidation/disability of a Government servant covered by the New Pension Scheme. It is likely to take some time before the Rules regulating these benefits under the New Pension System are put in place.

5. Meanwhile, considering the hardships being faced by the employees appointed on or after 1.1.2004 who are discharged on invalidation/disablement and by the families of such employees who have died during service since 1.1.2004, the President is pleased to extend the following benefits to Central Civil Government Servants covered by the New Pension Scheme, on provisional basis till further orders:

No welfare pension this festival too


Around festival seasons, during Onam and Christmas, the city Corporation office here witnesses a rush of beneficiaries of various welfare pensions.

In the past years, it was during this season that the perpetually delayed pensions were disbursed by the local body.

But, since last Christmas, those expecting the benefits have all gone back in disappointment. This Christmas has been no different, with pension payments pending from as far back as November 2014. Except the pension for agricultural labourers, disbursal of all the other welfare pensions have been stalled, as the required funds are yet to come from the government.

The government had promised to distribute Rs.700 crore as welfare pensions before last Onam. But due to issues at the Postal Department, the amount has not been disbursed.

According to the officials here, some of the beneficiaries visit the offices several times a week, in hope of the pension being disbursed.

No pension for 14 months

“There are several people who have not got pensions for the past 14 months. We have been told that the government will disburse the amount after Christmas,” says Welfare Committee Chairperson Geetha Gopal.

The issue of delay in welfare pensions had caused some major ruckus at a meeting towards the fag end of the last council’s term.

The United Democratic Front (UDF) councillors had then blamed the CPI (M), the ruling party of the Corporation, for the delay.

The ruling party has maintained that the undue delay has been due to the shift to the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) system from the old money order system for pension disbursal.

Out of the total of 48,700 people who are being provided pensions by the Corporation, 32,000 have registered for pensions through DBT with their Aadhaar numbers. Among the rest, many are bedridden and hence do not have Aadhaar cards.

Money Order system

The Corporation had then asked the government to facilitate pension distribution through the money order system so that people do not miss out.

The shift to DBT has but helped the local body to identify those who are drawing more than one welfare pension.

Those who want to continue with the money order system should provide a medical certificate proving that they are bedridden and are not in a position to apply for Aadhaar cards. Also, they have to get a recommendation letter from the respective councillor.

Despite government claims of Aadhaar not being mandatory, the above condition effectively makes it so for beneficiaries who are hale and healthy.

The welfare pensions consist of those for widows, old age, differently abled persons, agricultural labourers, and unmarried persons above 50 years.
Source : http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Thiruvananthapuram/no-welfare-pension-this-festival-too/article8033626.ece

Attestation of Certificate by Gazetted Officers Abolished by Government

Path-breaking initiatives like discontinuation of affidavits for host of government services and ending job interviews for various posts from January 1 among other initiatives kept the Ministry of Personnel in news during 2015.

“The most revolutionary and path-breaking decision is abolition of attestation of certificates by gazetted officers instead promoting self-attestation,” Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Jitendra Singh told.

He said the government took this decision as it was willing to trust citizens, more importantly it’s youth who will not give wrong information while submitting self-attested documents.

This decision has come as a big relief to common people, especially those living in rural areas, who had to take lot of pain in getting documents attested.

The Ministry also recently discontinued the practice of submission of affidavit by the family members of deceased government employees for the appointment on compassionate grounds.

Now people are required to submit self-declaration at the time of applying for compassionate appointment. All states and union territories have also been asked by the Centre to do away with practice of getting gazetted officer-signed affidavit and seek self-attestation.

Singh, a Lok Sabha member from Jammu and Kashmir’s Udhampur constituency, said soon after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement to end interviews from government jobs, his Ministry has acted on it.

“We have decided that from January 1, next year, the process of interview for Group C and D recruitments will be abolished,” he said, adding that these are some steps which nobody thought of in past over 60 years after country’s independence.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

HappY Merry ChiristMas

Assistance to distressed GDS by SPOs and staff members of Bhadrak Division

Really great Job Comreds. Congratulations

Shri B.B. Mohanty, SPOs Bhadrak Division along with his staff members handed over a sum of Rs. 44,680/- on 23.12.2015 along with blanket, jacket, saree and dresses etc contributed / donated by the staff members of Bhadrak Division to the GDS MD, Eram S O who has lost his house due to an out break of fire in his house last week.
      This was the 2nd phase contribution. The 1st phase contribution of Rs. 21,000/- was handed over to the GDS by the SPOs on 17.12.2015.

Bonus hike bill passed with effect from April 2014

Arrears of bonus (2014-15) likely !

The Lok Sabha on Tuesday passed a bill allowing doubling of wage ceiling for calculating bonus to Rs 7,000 per month for factory workers with establishments with 20 or more workers, with the benefits being applicable retrospectively from April 2014.

The Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill, 2015, was passed by a voice vote, with some members objecting to the raising of eligibility limit for payment of bonus from a salary of Rs 10,000 per month to Rs 21,000.
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Govt. considering gratuity for NPS subscribers

entral Govt. is considering payment of gratuity for employees who joined Central Govt. service after 31.12.2003 and covered under National Pension System (Popularly known as New Pension Scheme). Till now they are not covered under the existing gratuity scheme. Only in exceptional cases like death in service, retirement on invalidation etc., provisional gratuity is being paid vide order dated 05.05.2009 as an additional benefit.

Yesterday Minister of State for Finance, Mr Jayant Sinha informed in parliament that Govt. is considering the benefit of gratuity to extend for the NPS subscribers too.

Declaration of Holiday on 24th December, 2015 in Odisha Circle on the ocassion of Id-e-Milad

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Review of existing provisions for filling up of vacant GDS posts

Review of existing provisions for filling up of vacant GDS posts - Other than GDSBPM

Click Here

Is attendance compulsory for Central Government employees on the implementation day (01.01.2016) of the 7th CPC recommendations?

Is attendance compulsory for Central Government employees on the implementation day (01.01.2016) of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations?

Central Government employees are wondering if there will be any consequences of taking leave on January 1, 2016, the date of implementation of the 7th Pay Commission report.

The recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission regarding the salaries and perks for the Central Government employees will come into effect from January 1, 2016 onwards. Many are curious to find out the connection between the date of implementation of 7th CPC and reporting to work on the day.

Normally, the date of joining work, date of getting the promotion, date of receiving the increments, transfer date, and retirement dates are very important for a Central Government employee. In the average service period of a Central Government employee, he/she is likely to witness two or three Pay Commissions. Keeping this in mind, it would be better to not absent oneself on January 1, 2016.

“All Central Government employees are advised to report to work on January 1, 2016 (Friday).”

“This is especially so for those who are on long leave. It will help them avoid a lot of problems in future.”

“If 01.01.2016 is announced as a holiday, it will be better to report to work the next day.”

If the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission are going to be implemented from 01.01.2016 onwards, then the employees will have to come to work that day to accept these recommendations. If he/she is absent on the day, then the day they return to work will be treated as the day they had accepted the new recommendations.

If an employee not to report on the date of implementation of recommendations of new pay commission, this could delay the benefits of the 7th Pay Commission. This could also cause financial losses too due to pay revision as per the recommendations of new pay commission.

According to rules, in order to qualify for the annual increment, an employee has completed 6 months or more in the revised pay structure as per 6th CPC, as on 1st July. A delay of even a single day could deny you an increment, as per the rule.
It is not easy to calculate the date of promotion for Central Government employees. Normally, promotions are granted with retrospective effect. Let us assume that the promotion was given with effect from 01.01.2016. Not reporting to work on that day could cause a number of problems.
Since the government rules are bound to be changed arbitrarily, one can never be sure of the kind of troubles it could cause them. Therefore, it is better to go to work on 01.01.2016.
The recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission were implemented on 01.01.2006, a Sunday. Therefore, the next day was taken as the assumption date. One might remember that the government had issued another order to avoid the confusions that resulted due to this. (Click to view the order)

Even those who are on long leave for any particular reason are advised to report to work on January 1, 2016 at least and then continue with their leave. This will help them avoid a lot of problems.

Source : http://7thpaycommissionnews.in/

Minimum pension fixed for retired Central Government employees

Minimum pension fixed for retired Central Government employees

Minimum Pensions

The minimum pension fixed for retired Central Government employees is Rs. 3,500/- per month with effect from 01.01.2006. For pensioners, including those retired from public sector corporations and other establishments, to whom the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), 1995 framed under the Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 applies, provision of a minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month has made with effect from 01.09.2014.

The Sixth Central Pay Commission had recommended pension of Rs. 3,330/- per month in respect of employees retired from the Central Government. The minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month under the EPS, 1995 implemented by the Central Government was one of the recommendations of the Expert Committee constituted by the Government. Apart from this, the Committee on Petitions of the Rajya Sabha under the chairmanship of Shri Bhagat Singh Koshiyari in its 147th Report had recommended to increase Government share of contribution under EPS, 1995 from 1.16 per cent to 8.33 per cent to support the minimum pension level of Rs. 3000/- per month. However, it was not found feasible for implementation.

No complaints regarding anomalies in minimum pension in respect of Central Government employees have been received by the Government.

However, representations, grievances and complaints have been received from various quarters that the monthly pension to pensioners under EPS, 1995 have not increased to Rs. 1,000/- per month even after the notification in respect of pensioners who had taken short service pension, commutations or return of capital. Some grievances also relate to the fact that pension has not increased for those drawing more than Rs. 1,000/- per month.

Consequent upon implementation of the minimum pension to pensioners under EPS, 1995 vide notification number GSR 593(E) dated 19.08.2014, the pension of all member/widow(er)/disabled/ nominee/dependent parent pensioners whose original pension was less than Rs. 1,000/- per month had been fixed at the minimum of Rs. 1,000/- per month. In cases where members had preferred option for Commutation, Return of Capital and Short Service Pension and have already availed these benefits as per choice exercised by them at the time of making pension claim, the deductions on account of these options would continue to apply on the minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month that has now been fixed. In such cases, the pension amount would be less than Rs. 1,000/- per month even after implementation of the said notification.

This information was given by Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, Minister of State (IC) for Ministry Labour and Employment, in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

Source: PIB News

mplementation of 7th Pay Commission Recommendations – Taking Leave on 1-1-2016 will affect the effective date of Pay Revision

Implementation of 7th Pay Commission Recommendations – Taking Leave on 1-1-2016 will affect the effective date of Pay Revision

A Department of Para Military Forces has informed its officials that Revision of Pay will be effected from 1st January 2016 only for those who are present on duty on 1st January 2016. If he goes on leave on 1st January 2016, the increased pay will be effected only from the date of which such employee resumes duty and not from the first of January 2016. The message sent for respective Department is given below.

“ As you aware that 7th Pay commission has already submitted their report to Govt of India and same is likely to be accepted soon after observing due formalities. The commission recommends that the date of effect should be 01-01-2016. Rules provides that if a Government servant is away on leave or is availing joining time as on 1st of January 2016 the increased pay will be effected only from the date of which such employee resumes duty and not from the first of January 2016. All Force personnels informed accordingly.”

Hence the Government Servants those who are planning to go on leave to celebrate New Year day or for any other reasons on 1st January 2016, have to re think about their decision. Its Better for them to check with their Departments about the impact on Revision of Pay if they avail leave on 1st January 2016.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

7th CPC Pay Commission Report On Leave Encashment Of EL

Enhancement of ceiling of Earned Leave for purposes of Leave Encashment
The Commission has received representations seeking raising the ceiling limit of 300 days to 450 days for purposes of Leave encashment.
Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission notes that based on the recommendations of the VI CPC, serving employees are entitled for encashment of Earned Leave up to 60 days while in service. This is not to be deducted from the maximum number of Earned Leave of 300 days encashable at the time of retirement. The VI CPC, therefore, has further liberalised the regime of leave encashment.

The recommendations in relation to pay of both the civilian and defence forces personnel will also lead to a significant increase in the pay drawn and therefore in the total amount of leave encashment available for an employee.

Therefore raising the present ceiling of 300 days is not recommended by the Commission.

NPS is now on your Mobile

Thursday, 10 December 2015



      Meeting of the National Joint Council of Action (Railways, Defence and Confederation) was held on 08.12.2015 at JCM National Council Staff Side office, New Delhi. Detailed deliberations on 7th CPC related issues (including Gramin Dak Sewaks and Casual, Contract and daily-rated workers) was held and a Common charter of demands was finalized. It is further decided that the NJCA shall go on indefinite strike from the 1st week of March 2016, if the Government fails to reach a negotiated settlement with the staff side before 1st week of February 2016. A letter intimating this decision will be given to the Government shortly along with the common charter of demands. Letter to Government and charter of demands will be published in the website within two days.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Source : http://nfpe.blogspot.in/



Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Pay Commission: Govt Employees’ Delight, Corporate Employees’ Despair

New Delhi: This should cheer central government employees and pensioners but corporate India employees are the despair of Seventh Pay Commission report.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley
With the Seventh Pay Commission headed by Justice A K Mathur recommendations of the new pay scales, the central government employees can expect a higher pay package from next year.
The central government employees will get a 16 per cent increase in in their basic salary and they will get a boost in House Rent Allowance (HRA), which takes the hike in this segment to more than 100 per cent.
The government will increase the House Rent Allowance from the date of implementation of the pay commission recommendations, not from January next year.
More than 70% of corporate India employees regret working in the private sector in view of the above pay increases recommended for central government employees by the Seventh Pay Commission, shows a survey of 700 private sector employees by Timesjobs.
All the respondents to the survey on the impact of pay commission felt there should be a minimum wage increase in the private sector as well although 77% thought the private sector scores higher in terms of opportunities or growth and change.
corporate India employees salaries
Source :tkbsen.in

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Wednesday, 2 December 2015


The Shocking fact of Pay hike recommended by 7th Pay Commission
The Pay hike recommended by 7th Pay Commssion has been discribed as Bonanza by Media
  • Pay commission said 14.29 % Hike in Pay is recommended, Media said central government employees will get 23.55% hike in salary including allowances.
  • we will find out the real fact about the so called Bonanza..!
  • whether the Media claims are true or not through a simple calculation…!
The strength of Group C employees in Central Government is 85%. So we must know what the Pay Hike is recommended for them actually.
But Media give more attention to this 15 % because they have been paid more
It doesnt make sense that the Pay hike recommended for remaining 15 % taken into account. Because they are creamy layer of the Government. The Pay Hike for them also will be decided by them. So the take extar care for not giving more to this 85%.

7th CPC recommendation on Pay Hike is mocking rather than encouraging the Central government employees. See the following example

Assume a govt servant has been appointed in GP 1800 on 1st August of 2015 and he has been provided accomadation in Govt Quarters

His Net Pay for the month of January 2016 in Sixth CPC is given below..

Basic Pay Pay = PB Rs.5200 + GP Rs.1800 = Rs.7000/-

Assuming DA 125% as on 31-1-2016 = Rs.8750/

( Since he hs availed Quarter) HRA = Nil

TA = 600 + DA = Rs.1350

Total Gross Pay = Rs. 17100


NPS 10% of basic Pay = 70


Total deductions (700+30) = 730
Net Pay = 17100-730 = 16370

His Revised 7th CPC Pay as on 31-1-2016

Minimum Basic Pay = Rs. 18000/-

DA = Nil
HRA = Nil
TA = Rs. 1350

Total gross pay = Rs.19350


NPS = 1800

CGEGIS = 1500

Total deductions = 3300

Net Pay -= 19350-3300 = 16050

Before 7th Pay Commission his Net pay = Rs. 16370
After 7th Pay commission his Net Pay = Rs. 16050

He will be drawing Rs.320 lesser in 7th Pay Commission revised Pay than from his Sixth CPC pay

Anybody acn calculate from the above example that how much percentage of increase this Goup ‘C’ Government servants get from this 7th CPC bonanza ?

Source: http://www.gservants.com/
