LGO EXAM 2015-16 to the cadere of PA/SA from POSTMAN /MAILGUARD and MTS cadere will be held on 31-07-2016

Monday, 31 August 2015

Appeal of Confederation to make the 2nd September, 2015 All India Strike a historic success

Dear Comrades,
                We have placed on our website the synopsis of the discussion the leaders of the Central Trade Unions had with the Group of Ministers on the 12 point charter of demands. The Central Trade Unions evaluated the Government’s response to the strike call and have come to the conclusion that in the absence of any tangible result, the strike action must take place.  The only issue on which there had been a concrete proposal from the Government was on the question of raising the bonus ceiling.  In fact such an assurance has been given by the earlier Government also.  Due to the pressure exerted by the employing class, the said assurance could not be translated into reality.  To have the assurance to be put into practice, the Bonus Act has to be amended and that is possible only in the next session of the parliament.  In other words, if one is to believe the assurance held out by the Government on the question of raising the ceiling for bonus computation, it can only have prospective effect i.e. for the next year 2016.  We firmly believe that the corporate would not allow the present government to give effect to this assurance.  The acrimonious ceiling on bonus while allowing unlimited extraction of profit for the companies is to be fought out through bitter struggles.
                There had been no word from the Government on the question of rolling back its proposals on the labour reforms. The proposed labour reforms will hurt the working class most.  The regularization of contract workers, payment of minimum wage, ensuring statutory Pension benefit, the registration or recognition of trade unions within a stipulated time limit to enable the workers to have the right to collective bargaining, the non implementation of the agreements reached at the various tripartite Labour conferences were some of the significant issues on which the working class sought settlement. Introduction of 100% FDI in Railways, 49% in Defencecorporatisation & privatisation of government entities, end for contract/casual temporary employment also met with stoic silence or rejection.  The Group of Ministers has successfully eluded the issues. The BMS unions have declared that they would withdraw from the strike action.  Their decision being political based is understandable, but is difficult to appreciate. We can only hope against hope that they would realize the reality of the situation in the days to come and become part of the joint struggles very soon.
                The 7th CPC has sought further time to submit its report.  They are now likely to submit their report by 31st December, 2015.  Given the way the commission had acted on this vital issue, we are not certain of it.  It is on the specious plea that they would be submitting their report within the stipulated time, they had rejected our demand for interim relief.  They ought to have submitted an interim report to the Government before seeking further time on the memorandum submitted by the Staff Side on merger of DA and Interim relief.  Even if the report is submitted say by 31st December, 2015,  which we feel is unlikely, the Government is bound to take another six months to take a view on the Commission’s recommendations.   It is incumbent upon the National JCA to meet immediately and take appropriate decision in the light of the unexpected step taken by the Commission in seeking further time to submit its report.  They must go ahead with the decision to go on strike from 23rd November, 2015 demanding the Commission to submit urgently an interim report on merger of DA and Interim relief.
                There had been no positive steps taken by the government to revive the functioning of the JCM at National or Departmental levels.  There appears to be no intention on their part to cause discussion on our charter of demands.   In this background we must revitalize and rejuvenate the functioning of our   Organizations at all levels.  We have received excellent reports of the strike preparation from all over the country.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Secretary General









 (R.N. Parashar)

Secretary General


Friday, 28 August 2015


पबित्र  रक्षाबंधन के शुभ अबसर पर सभी  भारतीओं को  हमारे तरफ से हार्दिक सुभकामनाएँ 

Regards :-
All Members of AIPEU POSTMEN & MTS, Phulbani Divisional Branch, Phulbani-762001

Appeal to make the one day nationwide strike successful on 2.9.2015

Inter Ministerial Committee Holds Wider Consultations with Trade Unions on Charter of Demands

Press Information Bureau Government of India

Ministry of Labour & Employment

27-August-2015 21:05 IST
Inter Ministerial Committee Holds Wider Consultations with Trade Unions on Charter of Demands Appeals to Reconsider Proposed Call for Strike in View of Discussions 
The Second meeting of Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) continued discussion on 12 Demands Charter of Trade Unions  for the second day here today in continuation of discussions held yesterday.   The Committee comprises Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister, Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, MoS(IC) Labour and Employment, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, MOS(IC) Petroleum and Natural Gas, Shri Jitendra  Singh, MoS DOPT, and Shri Piyush Goel, MoS (IC),Power. During the discussions Trade Unions expressed concern and asked for clarifications on their demands. Addressing their concerns and expectations, the Finance Minister explained policies on which the Government is working and assured that the Government is committed to welfare of labour.  Underlining the importance of role of Trade Unions,  Shri Jaitely  assured the Central Trade Unions that  all labour laws reforms will be done with due discussions and tripartite consultations.  
In view of the discussions held in conducive and cordial atmosphere, the IMC appealed to Trade Unions to reconsider the proposed call for strike on 2nd September, 2015.The Trade Unions  have agreed to consider the appeal. 
In view of the suggestions given by Central Trade Unions in the meetings held on 19th July, 26thAugust and 27th August, 2015, the Government assured the following : 
  1.        Appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and applicable to all employees across the country.  
  2.       For the purposes of bonus the wage eligibility limit and calculation ceiling would be appropriately revised. Earlier in 2006-07 the calculation ceiling was decided at Rs.3500/- and eligibility limit was wage of Rs.10,000/- per month which is proposed to be revised to Rs.7,000 and Rs.21,000 respectively. 
  3.        The Government is expanding the coverage of social security and working out ways to include construction workers, Aanganwari workers ,ASHA workers  and Mid Day Meal workers..  
  4.       Regarding contract workers the Government assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages.  Moreover, the Government is working out ways so that workers of industries will get sector specific minimum wages.  
  5.        Government has already enhanced minimum pension for EPFO members and every pensioner gets minimum pension of Rs.1000/- per month perpetually.
  6.       Labour laws reforms will be based on tripartite consultations as already stated by the Prime Minister.  The States are also being advised to follow the tripartite process.
  7.       For strict adherence to labour law enforcement, advisory has been issued to the State/UT Governmaents and strict monitoring has been initiated by Central Government.
  8.        For employment generation Mudra Yojana, Make in India, Skill India and National Career Service Portal initiatives have been taken.
  9.       Abolition of interviews for all primary jobs which do not require any special knowledge/expertise, is being done for transparency and expediting the process of recruitment.
  10.    Inflation is lowest in the last many years excepting two items onion and pulses. Government is taking necessary steps to contain the higher prices of these two commodities also.It was further clarified that there is no ban on filling up of vacancies in Government jobs and all concerned Departments are taking necessary action to fill-up these vacancies. It was further assured that the Government is committed to job security, wages security and social security to the workers. The issue of equal wages for equal work for contract workers is an issue requiring wider consultations and a committee will be constituted, if required.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Channelising Emails addressed to DOP NOC from locations

From: Ashish Dash <ashish.dash@sifycorp.com>
Date: 25 August 2015 at 11:43

Subject: Channelising Emails addressed to DOP NOC from locations

To: adpmu-odi <adpmu-odi@indiapost.gov.in>, "adtech-bmp.dop" <adtech-bmp@indiapost.gov.in>, PMG Sambalpur Region <pmg_sambalpur@indiapost.gov.in>, rit.sambalpur@indiapost.gov.in, "Regional IT Team, Behrampur Region" <rit.berhampur@indiapost.gov.in>, "Circle IT Team, Orissa Circle" <cit.od@indiapost.gov.in>, spocodisha@gmail.com, Odisha Dmcc <odishadmcc@gmail.com>, CPMG Orissa Circle <cpmg_ori@indiapost.gov.in>, PMG Behrampur Region < pmg_berhampur@indiapost.gov.in>

Dear Sir/Madam,
We are seeing that all  locations are marking initial mail for reporting incidents to both NOC and Helpdesk. This is resulting in delicacy of work and in the midst important escalations from circles / Divisions and service requests from other SI partners get delayed or missed out.  

Kindly circulate to your divisions/post offices that initial reporting of incident be done only to DOP Helpdesk (dop.helpdesk@sifycorp.com).  

If after raising a ticket post office wants to get an update, they can do so by logging into service desk with their WEG Code to get the updates. Some divisions / region are already doing this.  

Thanks in advance for your co-operation.   

Warm regards, 

Ashish Dash
SIFY Technologies Ltd


·         D.G. Posts No. 10-7/2001-PE-II dated 14th August, 2015.

 I am directed to refer to Directorate letters of even number dated 04.09.2002, 20.01.2003 and 24.11.2010 on the above mentioned subject.

2.           The Department has revived a number of references from the staff Associations requesting for upward revision of Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) admissible to Postman Staff. A Committee of Senior Officers  was constituted for looking into the issue and the  report of the Committee has been examined  carefully in consultation with Integrated  Finance  Wing  and the Competent Authority has ordered enhancement of the  Fixed Monetary  Compensation (FMC) admissible  to Postmen staff. The details are as under:

S.L. No.
Existing Rate
Revised Rate
When one Postman performs duty of an absentee Postman by combination of duties.
Rs.50 per day
Rs. 94 per day
When two Postmen perform duty of an absentee Postman by sharing the beat.
Rs.24 per day
Rs.47 per  day

3.           The Competent  Authority  has also ordered fixation / revision of Holiday/Sunday Monetary  Compensation payable to Postmen  Staff and other  Departmental Staff brought on duty on 2nd consecutive Holiday if three consecutive  holidays occur or duty performed on Sunday as shown under:

Existing Rate
Postmen/Sorting Postmen
When duty performed on Holiday/Sunday
Rs.282/- per day for full day duty.
When duty performed on Holiday/Sunday
Rs.29/-per hour, subject to maximum of 3 hours
If duty performed above 3 hours, the employee is eligible to claim for 3 hours pay only.
Postal Assistant
When duty performed on Holiday/Sunday
Rs.41/-per hour, subject to maximum of 3 hours
When duty performed on Holiday/Sunday
Rs.47/-per hour, subject to maximum of 3 hours

4.           All other conditions for payment of Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) issued vide OM No. 10-23/87-PE-I dated 21.12.1993 and delivery of Unregistered letters on Holidays issued  under 9-25/92-C1 dated 10.09.92 will remain unchanged.

 5.          The expenditure on account of revision has to be met from the allocated funds of the units under the prescribed Head of Account.

  6.         These orders will take effect from the date of issue.

7.           This issues in consultation with the Integrated Finance Wing vide their diary number 118/FA/2015/CS dated 14.08.2015.

Assistant Director General (Estt.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Physical standard for habitats of Odisha willing to join Army Postal Services against the posts of MTS


A Web-Based Portal VIZ. Vidya Lakshmi (www.vidyalakshmi.co.in) Launched for Students Seeking Educational Loans

A Web-Based Portal VIZ. Vidya Lakshmi (www.vidyalakshmi.co.in)  Launched for Students Seeking Educational Loans;

First Portal of Its Kind Providing Single Window for Students to Access Information and Make Application for Educational Loans Provided by Banks as well as for Government Scholarships
A web-based portal viz. Vidya Lakshmi (www.vidyalakshmi.co.inwas  launched on the occasion of Independence Day i.e. 15th August, 2015 for the benefit of  students seeking Educational Loans. The Portal has been developed and maintained by NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited (NSDL e-Gov) under the guidance of Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development and Indian Banks’ Association (IBA).
Earlier the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley in the Union Budget for 2015-16inter-alia had proposed to set-up a fully IT based Student Financial Aid Authority to administer and monitor Scholarship as well as Educational Loan Schemes, through the Pradhan Mantri Vidya Lakshmi Karyakram (PMVLK) to ensure that no student misses out on higher education for lack of funds. The launch of the aforesaid Portal is a first step towards achieving this objective,
Vidya Lakshmi Portal is a first of its kind portal providing single window for Students to access information and make application for Educational Loans provided by Banks as also Government Scholarships. The Portal has the following features:
·         Information about Educational Loan Schemes of Banks;
·         Common Educational Loan Application Form for Students;
·         Facility to apply to multiple Banks for Educational Loans;
·         Facility for Banks to download Students’ Loan Applications;
·         Facility for Banks to upload loan processing status;
·         Facility for Students to email grievances/queries relating to Educational  
·         Loans to Banks;
·         Dashboard facility for Students to view status of their loan application and   
·         Linkage to National Scholarship Portal for information and application for
·         Government Scholarships.
So far, 13 Banks have registered 22 Educational Loan Schemes on the Vidya Lakshmi Portal and 5 Banks viz; SBI, IDBI Bank, Bank of India, Canara Bank & Union Bank of India have integrated their system with the Portal for providing loan processing status to students. This initiative aims to bring on board all Banks providing Educational Loans. It is expected that students throughout the country will be benefited by this initiative of the Government by making available a single window for access to various Educational Loan Schemes of all Banks.

Source : PIB Release, 20.08.2015

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Government committed to reviving postal department: Ravi Shankar Prasad

The government will revive the postal department by using over 1.5 lakh post offices for furthering financial inclusion. 

NEW DELHI: Communications Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad today said the government will revive the postal department by using over 1.5 lakh post offices for furthering financial inclusion and payments bank is a step towards it. 
The Reserve Bank of India has granted 'in-principle' approval to Postal Department to set up payments bank. 
"We have to make all the preparations in 18 months, which we will do. The Modi government is going to revive the postal segment and post payment bank is an indication to that," Prasad told reporters here. 
He said that the 1.50 lakh post offices from Kashmir to Kanyakumari will play an important role in financial inclusion. 
Prasad said since becoming the Communications Minister, he has tried that postal department should move forward. 
"You know in e-commerce, postal department is moving forward, they have done
business of about Rs 600 crore in the last 2 months," he said. 
The government will soon give handheld devices to all rural post offices, he added. 
The payments bank licence will enable the Department of Post (DoP) to offer banking services to the masses through its vast network of 1,54,000 post offices, of which 1,30,000 are in rural areas. 
As per RBI guidelines, payments bank would offer a limited range of products such as demand deposits and remittances. They will be allowed to issue ATM or debit cards as other prepaid payment instruments, but not credit cards.
Meanwhile, regarding electronic manufacturing the Minister said, under MSIPS scheme proposals worth Rs 30,000 crore have come and approval has been given to around Rs 12,000-13,000 crore

RBI gives in-principle nod to 11 applicants including RIL, Aditya Birla Nuvo

MUMBAI: Reliance Industries, India Post, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Paytm are among  11 applicants that have got 'in principle' approval for setting up payments  banks that will provide barebones facilities aimed at covering the vast swathe  of population that has no access to financial services. 

They will take deposits,  convey remittances and dispense payments to recipients, making them ideal for  migrant workers who need to send money home, for instance. They will not engage in lending. Apart from India's top phone companies and the  post office, others that have got initial Reserve Bank of India approval out of  42 applicants include Sun Pharma founder Dilip Shanghvi, Aditya Birla Nuvo, Fino PayTech, Tech  Mahindra, National Securities Depository and Cholamandalam Finance.

Applicants that sought licences have tied up with a range of partners. "The  applications were screened for financial soundness, i.e., five-year track record  of the promoter and the key entities of the promoter group," RBI said in a statement. "The assessment also included
governance issues with a focus on 'fit and proper' criteria for promoters based  on due diligence reports and/or any other information indicating deliberate and  repeated violations of law/regulations."

Those that didn't make the cut include Muthoot Finance, Future Retail's Kishore  Biyani and Videocon. The central bank chose the applicants based on their  assessed ability to reach customers with technology along with the financial  strength to roll out services in areas that remain uncovered, RBI said.

The central bank kept the hopes of many applicants alive by promising to move to  a process of "on-tap" licensing. This means applicants can seek licences  whenever they want to do so. "We will do every justice to this opportunity,"  said Paytm founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma. "Led by technology and a lean structure  at Paytm, we will bring half-a-billion Indians to the mainstream economy by  2020.

We want to be the driver of financial inclusion. It will be a vibrant  ecosystem."

Existing  banks may lose some business, even though some of the bigger ones have launched  wallets and other app-based functions. Companies that provide wallet services  such as Oxigen or Itz Cash could also face pressure.

RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan had promised to end the era of unified banking  licences, of which very few have been issued, which kept more than half the  nation unbanked until Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Jan Dhan Yojana made it  possible for nearly every household to have an account. If payments banks  succeed, rural India could be sold more financial products such as insurance and  mutual funds, channelising savings into productive purposes.

Payments banks can distribute third-party financial products but can't lend or  issue credit cards. They will have to invest most of their deposits in  government securities and keep the balance with banks. Promoters need to have  least Rs 100 crore in capital. "We see this licence as an opportunity to promote  financial inclusion by providing banking and transaction services to unbanked,  underbanked and small businesses," said SBI Chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya.

 "With over 90,000  m-pesa agents, we are already providing people in remote areas a convenient way  to transfer money and make payments in a safe and secure manner," said Sunil  Sood, managing director and CEO of Vodafone India. "We remain committed to  actualise the government's vision of financial inclusion by leveraging the reach of mobile technology to service the unbanked and under serviced sections of the  society."

GV Nageswara Rao, MD & CEO of NSDL, said, "The payment landscape is poised  for disruption. Over time, we have to move electronic. We have a track record of  innovation to make changes in the way the common man is able to transact, make  or receive payments. The card payment system has not taken off because there is  a cost to the merchant. The advent of smartphones opens up the opportunity for  payments banks."

Rishi Gupta, MD & CEO of Fino PayTech, said, "Our existing structure is  ready for payments bank challenges. We plan to raise about Rs 350 crore to scale  up business at Fino Payments Bank. At present, we have over 30 million customers  in our business correspondence business and about 5 million in the remittance  business."

Dipak Gupta, joint managing director of Kotak Mahindra Bank,  said, "Broadly, telcos have a large customer base and thus we get an opportunity  to service a different product.

The challenge is how do you make e-payments a  normal part of life compared with cash.""This is a very good combination. It  combines our knowledge of financial management, and telecom expertise of Telenor  and Shanghvi's business acumen. Shanghvi will be the single largest  shareholder," Rajiv Lall, vicechairman & MD-designate, IDFC Bank told ET.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

A Meeting of Postal Recreation Club of Phulbani was held on Date18.08.2015 in the campus of Phulbani HO.

The Following office bearers were unanimously elected :-

PRC Secretary  :- Com. Sunil Kumar Ratha,                         OA.DO.Phulabani

   Asst. Secreary   :- Com. Ajit Kumar Panda, PA. Phulbani HO
   Treasurer          :- Com. Kali Prasanna Hota, PA. Phulbani HO
   Asst. Treasurer:- Com.Malaya Mishra, PA. Phulbani HO

Organising  Secretary :- Com. Swarnamayee Subudhi OA. DO Phulbani
                                    :- Com. Manas Kumar Dutta, O/S Mail Phulbani
                                    :- Com. Budhadev Sahu, Postman Phulbani HO
                                    :- Com. Arun Kumar Sahoo, MTS O/o The SPOs Phulbani

The AIPEU POSTMEN & MTS, Phulbani Divisional Branch, Phulbani Heartily Congratulates All The Office Bearers on The said occasion  

Regards Secreatry, AIPEU, Postmen & MTS, Phulbani Divisional Branch, Phulbani